Term 1 Integrated Topic

Term 1 Integrated Topic: Conflict is part of life
I am learning to... 
express my understanding of Conflict

Teacher instruction: With this play dough, make something to show me what you know about conflict.  

Teacher question: What have you made to show me what you know about conflict?

  • At the beginning (before teaching):

Student reflection
  • Then - I thought . . .
It is a table and we use it for sitting on and having dinner and stuff.
  • At the end:

Student reflection
  • Now - I know . . .

Somebody who is not nice to others and who is punching others and they are going away.

Term 1 Writing

Term 1 Writing

Writing Learning Intentions:

Before I start writing
  •  I can use my picture to share what I am going to write about (Writing Object)
During writing
  •  I can explain what I need to do if I get stuck with choosing the best describing word for my story 
After writing 
  •  I can share my story with my buddy.  
  •  I ask my buddy if my describing word matches my picture.
  •  I shared my story with my buddy
Success Criteria:  
I will know I have done this when I 
  •  draw a detailed picture plan
  •  use some adjectives to described my picture

Teacher Comment:  

I like the way your words match your picture.

Term 1 Art Attack

Term 1 Art Attack

I am learning to
  • create a self-portrait
  • talk about my own art work and artwork created by others

Success Criteria
  • To create a portrait where my facial features are the right size and shape and are drawn in the right place on my face.

Next step
  • All facial features are in proportion and almost correctly placed.